SCHWARZ at IT-Security Show it-sa 2012 in Nürnberg

The it-sa has established itself as one of the leading  fairs regarding IT security in the German speaking market over the last  years. In 2011 the fair expects about 7.000 visitors from industry,  science and public authorities. Beyond question that SCHWARZ presents its  portfolio and upcoming releases at the event in Nuremberg on our booth 101 in hall 12.

Packed appointment books and a huge number of new partners getting  firsthand information from the SCHWARZ staff during the event underline  the success of this year’s participation

The it-sa has established itself as one of the leading  fairs regarding IT security in the German speaking market over the last  years. In 2011 the fair expects about 7.000 visitors from industry,  science and public authorities. Beyond question that SCHWARZ presents its  portfolio and upcoming releases at the event in Nuremberg on our booth 101 in hall 12.

Packed appointment books and a huge number of new partners getting  firsthand information from the SCHWARZ staff during the event underline  the success of this year’s participation. New products like Next Generation PC-SHERIFF, SoftXpand and SMARQ  will be shown at it-sa until October 16th til 18th. More information can be  found at


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